Student Hostels in UK: Types, Amenities, Cost, and More

Are you an international student pursuing your masters in the UK? Finding suitable accommodation is crucial for a comfortable and enriching study abroad experience. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the various types of student hostels available, the amenities and facilities they offer, the cost considerations, and valuable tips for choosing the right accommodation.

Student Hostels in UK: Types, Amenities, Cost, and More
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Studying abroad is an exciting adventure, and for international students pursuing their masters in the UK, finding suitable accommodation is a top priority. Student hostels in the UK offer a range of options to cater to different preferences and budgets. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of student hostels available, the amenities and facilities they offer, the cost considerations, and provide valuable tips for choosing the right accommodation.

Types of Student Hostels in the UK

A. University-Owned Accommodations

When it comes to student hostels, many universities in the UK provide their own on-campus accommodations. These accommodations are often in high demand due to their convenience and proximity to academic buildings. University-owned hostels offer a variety of room types, including single rooms, shared rooms, and studio apartments. The application process for these accommodations typically starts several months before the academic year begins, and it's crucial to apply early to secure a spot.
Amenities and facilities in university-owned accommodations are designed to support students' academic and social needs. Common facilities may include:
  • Common Rooms and Study Areas: University-owned hostels often have communal spaces where students can socialize, study, or collaborate on projects.
  • Laundry Facilities: On-site laundry facilities make it convenient for students to take care of their laundry without leaving the hostel premises.
  • Security Measures and Access Control: University accommodations prioritize the safety of their residents, and thus, have security measures in place, such as CCTV surveillance, secure entry systems, and 24/7 staff presence.

B. Private Student Accommodations

Another popular option for student hostels in the UK is private student accommodations. These are privately owned accommodations specifically designed for students. Private student accommodations can be further categorized into purpose-built student accommodations (PBSAs) and shared student houses/flats.

1. Purpose-Built Student Accommodations (PBSAs)

Purpose-built student accommodations are modern, purpose-built buildings that offer fully furnished rooms or apartments exclusively for students. These accommodations are designed to provide a comfortable and convenient living environment. Some features and benefits of PBSAs include:
  • Features and Benefits: PBSAs often come with a range of amenities, such as communal study spaces, gyms, game rooms, and cinema rooms. They are equipped with modern facilities and technology to enhance the student experience.
  • Popular PBSA Providers in the UK: There are several reputable PBSA providers in the UK, such as Unite Students, Nido Student, and iQ Student Accommodation, offering a wide range of options across various cities.
  • Cost Considerations: The cost of PBSAs can vary depending on factors such as location, room size, and amenities provided. It's essential to consider your budget and compare different options before making a decision.

2. Shared Student Houses and Flats

Another option for private student accommodations is shared houses or flats. This involves renting a house or apartment with other students. Shared accommodations offer certain advantages and considerations:
  • Advantages and Considerations: Sharing a house or flat with other students can be a cost-effective option as it allows for sharing of rent and utilities. It also provides an opportunity to form friendships and create a support network. However, it's important to consider factors like compatibility with housemates, lease agreements, and responsibilities for shared expenses and chores.

C. Homestays and Host Families

Homestays and host families provide an alternative living arrangement where students live with a local family in their home. This option offers a unique cultural immersion experience and additional support for international students. Some key aspects of homestays and host families include:
  • Benefits of Living with a Host Family: Living with a host family provides an opportunity to experience the local culture, practice the language, and receive guidance and support from the host family. It can help ease the transition of living in a new country.
  • Finding Reputable Host Families: Various agencies and organizations facilitate the matching process between students and host families. It's crucial to choose reputable providers who thoroughly screen and vet host families to ensure a safe and supportive environment.
  • Cultural Immersion and Support System: Homestays offer a unique chance to immerse oneself in the local culture and customs, and develop a close bond with the host family. The host family can also provide assistance and guidance with practical matters, such as navigating the local area and understanding local customs.

Amenities and Facilities

When it comes to student hostels in the UK, a wide range of amenities and facilities are provided to ensure a comfortable and conducive living environment for students. Let's take a closer look at some of the common facilities available:

Common Facilities in Student Hostels

  • Common Rooms and Study Areas: Many student hostels offer common rooms or lounges where students can relax, socialize, and engage in recreational activities. These spaces often have comfortable seating, entertainment options like TVs and game consoles, and study areas with desks and chairs for focused studying.
  • Laundry Facilities: Having access to on-site laundry facilities is a convenience that saves students the hassle of finding nearby laundromats or dealing with off-campus laundry arrangements. Student hostels typically have laundry rooms equipped with washing machines and dryers.
  • Security Measures and Access Control: Safety is a top priority in student hostels, and therefore, security measures are put in place. These may include CCTV surveillance, secure entry systems, and dedicated staff or security personnel to ensure the well-being of residents.
  • Kitchen and Dining Areas: Many student hostels provide communal kitchens and dining areas where students can prepare and enjoy their meals. These spaces are equipped with cooking appliances, refrigerators, and dining tables and chairs, promoting a sense of community and the opportunity for students to cook and share meals together.

Additional Amenities and Services

In addition to the common facilities mentioned above, student hostels in the UK often offer additional amenities and services to enhance the student experience. Some of these include:
  • Gymnasiums and Sports Facilities: Fitness-conscious students will appreciate hostels that have on-site gyms or access to nearby sports facilities. These amenities provide opportunities for physical exercise, promoting a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being.
  • Wi-Fi and Internet Access: In today's digital age, having reliable internet connectivity is essential for students. Most student hostels offer Wi-Fi access throughout the premises, ensuring that students can stay connected, carry out research, and complete their coursework online.
  • On-Site Maintenance and Support Staff: Student hostels often have dedicated maintenance and support staff to address any issues or concerns that may arise. Whether it's a broken appliance or a maintenance request, having staff readily available ensures prompt resolution and a hassle-free living experience.

Cost Considerations

When it comes to choosing a student hostel in the UK, cost considerations play a significant role. Understanding the cost factors and comparing different options can help students make informed decisions. Let's delve into the cost considerations associated with student hostels:

A. University-Provided Accommodation Costs

University-owned accommodations often come with a range of pricing options based on factors such as location, room type, and amenities provided. It's important to note that prices may vary between universities. Here are some key points to consider:
  • Inclusions and Variations in Pricing: University accommodations may have different pricing structures depending on the level of comfort and amenities offered. For example, en-suite rooms with private bathrooms may cost more than shared facilities.
  • Factors Influencing Costs: The location of the accommodation can significantly impact the price. Accommodations located closer to the university campus or in popular areas may be more expensive. Additionally, the size and type of the room, such as single or shared, can also affect the cost.
  • Tips for Budgeting and Cost-Saving: To manage costs effectively, it's essential to create a budget and consider factors such as utility bills, transportation expenses, and meal plans. Students can also explore options for part-time employment or scholarships to ease the financial burden.

B. Private Student Accommodation Costs

Private student accommodations, including purpose-built student accommodations (PBSAs), come with their own pricing structures. Consider the following when assessing the cost of private student accommodations:
  • Price Ranges for PBSAs: The cost of PBSAs can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, room size, and amenities. It's advisable to research and compare prices from different providers to find the best fit for your budget.
  • Factors Impacting Rental Costs: Location is a major determinant of rental costs, with accommodations in city centers generally being more expensive. Additionally, facilities and services provided by the accommodation, such as gyms or communal spaces, may influence the overall cost.
  • Hidden Fees and Additional Expenses: When considering private student accommodations, be mindful of any hidden fees or additional expenses beyond the rental cost. These may include utility bills, internet charges, and administrative fees. It's crucial to factor in these expenses when calculating the total cost.

C. Homestay Costs

Homestays provide a unique living arrangement where students live with a host family. The cost of homestays can vary based on several factors:
  • Pricing Structure and Inclusions: Homestay fees are typically charged on a weekly or monthly basis and cover accommodation, meals, and other agreed-upon services. The cost may differ based on the location, the size of the room, and the level of support provided by the host family.
  • Factors Influencing Homestay Costs: Similar to other accommodations, the location and popularity of the area can impact the cost. Additionally, the level of privacy and the extent of services provided by the host family, such as airport transfers or additional meals, can influence the overall cost.
  • Comparing Costs with Other Accommodation Options: It's essential to compare the cost of homestays with other accommodation options to determine the best fit for your budget and preferences. Consider factors such as location, amenities, and the level of cultural immersion and support provided.

Tips for Choosing the Right Student Hostel

Choosing the right student hostel is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your study abroad experience. Here are some valuable tips to help you make an informed choice:

1. Start Early and Research Thoroughly

  • Begin your search for accommodation well in advance to secure the best options. Research different universities and private accommodations, considering factors like location, proximity to the campus, and available amenities.
  • Check university websites for information on their on-campus accommodations and application deadlines. Explore online platforms and student forums to gather insights and reviews about private accommodations.

2. Consider Your Preferences and Budget

  • Assess your personal preferences and requirements. Do you prefer a quiet study environment, or do you enjoy a more social atmosphere? Consider whether you prefer shared or private accommodation.
  • Set a realistic budget and determine how much you can comfortably afford for accommodation expenses. Remember to account for additional costs like utilities, transportation, and groceries.

3. Visit Accommodation Options (if possible) or Take Virtual Tours

  • If feasible, try to visit the shortlisted accommodations in person to get a sense of the facilities, surroundings, and overall atmosphere. This will help you make an informed decision based on your personal impressions.
  • If visiting is not possible, take advantage of virtual tours provided by universities and private accommodation providers. These virtual tours can give you a realistic view of the accommodations and their amenities.

4. Consider the Location and Transportation

  • Evaluate the location of the accommodation in relation to your university campus, as well as nearby amenities like supermarkets, libraries, and public transportation. Choose a location that offers convenience and accessibility to support your daily routine.
  • Research the transportation options available in the area. Consider factors such as the availability of public transport, cycle paths, or walking distances to the campus. Easy access to transportation can make your daily commute more convenient.

5. Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations

  • Read reviews and testimonials from previous students who have stayed in the accommodations you are considering. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality of facilities, management, and overall satisfaction.
  • Seek recommendations from fellow students, study abroad advisors, or alumni who have lived in the UK. They may be able to offer first-hand advice and suggest reputable accommodations based on their own experiences.

6. Consider Support and Community

  • Assess the level of support and community offered by the accommodation. Look for accommodations that provide opportunities for social interaction, events, and support services like pastoral care or resident assistants.
  • Consider accommodations that facilitate a sense of community and provide opportunities to connect with other students. Living in an environment that fosters friendship and support can enhance your overall study abroad experience.
By following these tips and considering your preferences, budget, and needs, you'll be well-equipped to choose the right student hostel in the UK for your masters' studies.


Finding suitable student hostels in the UK is a crucial aspect of the study abroad journey. Whether you opt for university-owned accommodations, private student accommodations, or homestays, it's essential to consider factors such as types of hostels, available amenities, cost considerations, and personal preferences. By starting early, researching thoroughly, and considering valuable tips, you can make an informed decision that ensures a comfortable and enriching experience during your masters' studies in the UK.


Q: Are student hostels a suitable accommodation option for international students studying in the UK? A: Yes, student hostels are a popular and convenient accommodation option for international students in the UK. They provide various types of accommodations, amenities, and support services that cater specifically to the needs of students.
Q: What types of student hostels are available in the UK? A: In the UK, you can find a range of student hostels, including university-owned accommodations, private student accommodations, and homestays with host families. Each option offers different benefits and experiences, allowing students to choose what suits them best.
Q: How do I find reputable host families for homestays in the UK? A: Several agencies and organizations facilitate the matching process between students and host families. It's important to choose reputable providers who thoroughly screen and vet host families to ensure a safe and supportive environment for students.
Q: What amenities can I expect in student hostels in the UK? A: Student hostels in the UK offer a variety of amenities to enhance the student experience. Common facilities may include common rooms, study areas, laundry facilities, kitchen and dining areas, and security measures. Additional amenities can include gyms, Wi-Fi access, and on-site maintenance and support staff.
Q: How much do student hostels in the UK typically cost? A: The cost of student hostels in the UK can vary depending on various factors, including the type of accommodation, location, room size, and included amenities. University-owned accommodations, private student accommodations, and homestays each have their own pricing structures. It's important to consider your budget and compare options to find the best fit.
Q: Are there any hidden costs associated with student hostels in the UK? A: It's important to be aware of any additional costs beyond the rental price of student hostels. These can include utility bills, internet charges, administrative fees, and sometimes even bedding or kitchenware costs. It's advisable to inquire about all potential expenses upfront to avoid any surprises.
Q: How can I choose the right student hostel in the UK for my needs? A: Choosing the right student hostel involves considering factors such as location, amenities, cost, personal preferences, and support services. It's recommended to start your search early, research thoroughly, visit accommodations if possible, read reviews, and seek recommendations from other students or study abroad advisors.
Q: How can I ensure a positive and enriching experience while living in a student hostel in the UK? A: To make the most of your experience in a student hostel, actively engage with the community, participate in hostel activities, and connect with fellow students. Take advantage of the amenities and support services provided, and embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and make lifelong memories.